We care a lot about our environment. That is why it is a priority task for us to develop the most efficient waste reducing systems. Our ideology is to keen on giving back to the nature just as much as we got from it.

DeMonich invented the specific techniques in order to harm the least to our nature all by ourself. The innovations went so succsessful that today, we are a factory which is 80% recycling its production leftover.

And we went further. We dedicated ourself to raise awareness that environmentally friendly and effective production is viable at the same time. So we constantly develop the employes’ and our partners' commitment to the protection of environment and to save both the material and energy.

We also use environmental control system certified by the standard MSZ EN ISO 14001 has been introduced covering all processes of the operation.
Our company also follows the FSC Standrads. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit, multi stakeholder organization established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. The FSC does this by setting standards on forest products, along with certifying and labeling them as eco-friendly.