Traditional Pallets
Unique Pallet Solutions
Complex Packaging Solutions
Box Systems

The primary processing of wood goes on our premises at Polgár. At this premises can be found cutting and shaping machineries and a modern dryer with a digitally controlled incinerator with 100 cm3 capacity. These machines plane the raw material also guarantee the optimal wetness and dustlessness of it, which is highly important due to size accurancy.
Industrial Packaging Solutions - Professzionális Csomagolómegoldások
Csomagoló megoldásokat kínálunk, melyek biztosítják a por, nedvesség és sérülésmentes szállítást.
RakodólapokLaplemez termékekKomplett ládákTároló egységek
Iparok, melyeknek rendszeresen készítünk termékeket:
AutóiparSzámítástechnikai iparElektronikai iparPetrolkémiai iparokpapíripaélelmiszeripar
Our company has developed a case system made up from plywood and galvanized metal elements. This system can be ordered in a collapsible or in an elements drawn form with or without pallet, always in the desireble size. The cases protect the product due to their uniqe system even in the case of multiple reuse.
Our profile includes the manufacturing of pallets, wood plate page products, cases, storage units. These are needed at the dustless, moisture free, damage free transportation of the car industrial, computer technological, electronic industrial products, and food industrial foils. We also provide all kinds of packaging and storaging wooden products.

Our wood plate page products (chipboards, plywoods, fibreboard, OSB panels) assembled, according to the given specification by high performanced panel sizing and more specialized processing machines ( NC &CNC) and hidraulical and pneumatical naling machines. The production goes on in our 1800 m2 big shop floor. We also have airconditioned warehouses for the undisturbed supply of raw material.

We are a company of 53 people at a 8300 m2 premises with 70 actively working machines. And yet we are 80% recycling all of our production leftover.

We have our own vehicle fleet in order to deliver the products to our customer, we are able to „just in time” transportation.
At our premises we have every condition that a well equipped wooden manufacturer company needs. We can use our wooden industrial experiences effectively and we will be able to do so in the future.

We are able to produce 300 different types of product at the same time every day. Every year we work with about 14.000 m3 raw material.
We have a two decades of experience and history and yet we are still emerging and willing to develop, making innovations from time to time.